A Hands-On Introduction to Analyzing Social Networks with UCINET & Netdraw
Dan Halgin, Steve Borgatti, Martin Everett, Rich DeJordy
This interactive workshop gives all participants an opportunity for hands-on experience analyzing network data using the UCINET/Netdraw software package. We will provide a beginner’s tutorial on the concepts, methods, and data analysis techniques for a whole social network research project, from data entry through reporting results. Together, we will use sample datasets to focus on the interpretation and calculation of some of the most common measures of network analysis at the node, dyad, and whole-network level of analysis. We will also provide a hands-on tutorial for NetDraw, which creates network visualizations.
In order to get the most practical benefit from the workshop, each participant should bring a Windows laptop computer (or Mac with a Windows emulator) in order to personally run the analyses as the instructors are demonstrating them. We ask participants to download a free trial version of UCINET (which includes NetDraw as well as sample network data), available at http://www.analytictech.com/ucinet/, prior to the workshop (preferably one week prior in order to access the latest version).