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Sunbelt 2022 Cairns

Call: "Agent-based models of social networks"

Sunday, February 6, 2022

Event Details

I would like to draw your attention on the Sunbelt session on 
“Agent-based models of social networks”
at the next Sunbelt Conference, 12-16 July, Cairns, Australia.
Bridging micro- and macro-social levels of analysis is pivotal to both social network research and agent-based modelling (ABM), which has recently stimulated fruitful exchanges between the two fields. Recent developments in statistical modelling of longitudinal network data have brought up further discussions on the use of simulations in social network research. ABMs can explain network dynamics and macro-level outcomes through micro-level mechanisms. Unlike in the early days, the network component of an ABM can be calibrated with empirical data, which allows ABM modellers to move beyond the use of abstract networks. Moreover, ABM can be used as a complementary tool to increase generalizability of statistical analysis of network data. This session invites contributions that attempt to explain the emergence or evolution of social networks by linking individuals’ behaviour to social network dynamics through ABMs in studying e.g., processes of social selection, social influence, diffusion, opinion polarization, social conflicts or cooperation. Particularly — but not exclusively — welcome are contributions bridging theoretical ABM, empirical data, and statistical models of network-generating processes (e.g., ERGM, SAOM).
Filip Agneessens, University of Trento (Italy)
Federico Bianchi, University of Milan (Italy)
Andreas Flache, University of Groningen (The Netherlands)
Károly Takács, Linköping University (Sweden)
Deadline: 6 February, 2022
We look forward to your submissions!